Sunday, March 29, 2015

School Choice

In this blog, the author is describing a situation in which she is a mother of a child with cystic fibrosis. She writes this blog for all the people that chose not to immunize their children in public schools and sends a message promoting the idea of campus-level immunization being available to Texan parents. She says that as people have the right to not vaccinate their kids, people should also have the right to know which schools are the safest for their children.                                                                              
The author's argument, as a parent of a child with a disease that could potentially kill her daughter, Kiera, is that people should have the right to know which schools are the safest for their kids in the vaccination matter. The author writes this blog like if she was asking for those people who "choose not to vaccinate their kids because of fear" to vaccinate their kids for the health of children just like Kiera.

Her logic comes from the fact that she is the mother of a child with cystic fibrosis. This makes her intended audience to feel more compassionate and probably makes them think about this issue. She does not provide any numerical evidence what so ever and I think that numerical values, that represent children who would be better off with "school choice", would help her blog to be more powerful.

I agree with the author in her position of making campus-level immunization public for Texan parents without losing its confidentiality. If I had a daughter with some kind of illness as Kiera, I would like to have the right to choose the school where she will attend as parents have the right to not vaccinate their children.

 Kids Who Cant Be Vaccinated Have Rights Too