Friday, May 15, 2015

Dear Texas, Equality Means Equality..

Homosexual marriage is illegal in Texas. Isn't that against our freedom rights? Is it really making Texas a more functional State? Is banning same-sex marriage a key factor for this state's development?

The People of Texas defines marriage as a ¨basic human right that allows people to express their love for each other and allows them to “team up” for life’s many challenges¨. I think he is completely accurate with this definition. Moreover he basically says that banning same- sex marriage is as unconstitutional as some examples from the past such as black people being slaves and women not being allowed to vote.

So the answer to my first question is definitely YES. To answer my second and third question we need to analyze how and why gay marriage is bad for the state. I would say mind your own business and let the people with different sexual orientation live their life as normal human beings, because believe it or not, they are human beings like you and I. Just like The People's Texas said ¨love and marriage complement each other and should not be restricted to a single type of relationship¨. I could not agree more with that statement and with the fact that gay marriage does not affect the development of the state on a negative way. I am certain that not allowing homosexual marriages is putting an obstacle in this state's path on becoming more functional.

The People's Texas

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