Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Liquid alcohol has been around for centuries and it is consumed pretty much everywhere.  Every person consumes it differently, whether underage or not, illegal drinkers are not the only ones that get, well tired and emotional if you want to see it that way. I am not saying that the only function of alcohol is to get f!@#$ up, but it is certainly the reason why some people are concerned about a new product that is said to revolutionize the alcohol industry. So, what is this controversial revolutionary product that is freaking out everyone? Powdered alcohol. Yes that is right. POWDERED ALCOHOL.

Republican state representative Charlie Geren proposed the House Bill 1018, a statewide ban on powdered alcohol. However, Geren postponed the measure until July 4th after talking to some “people in the industry”, which means that the bill will probably die.  Kids seem to be what Geren and other critics of powdered alcohol or Palcohol are concerned about. They say that it will be easier for those who are not 21 to consume such evil substance.

I think those accusations are totally wrong. First of all, Palcohol is an alcoholic product so it will be sold in liquor stores. This makes it as difficult or as easy, depending on the point of view, as buying liquid alcohol for those who are under age. It is said that it will be four times more expensive than liquid alcohol. I don’t think that any teenager would rather buy one drink for the price of four just to avoid any back injuries from carrying a bottle of vodka on their backs.
I believe that, if regulated as liquid alcohol, Palcohol should not be banned in Texas, if people are concerned about illegal consumption of alcoholic substances (which will continue with or without Palcohol), then people should focus that energy on solving other problems such as fake IDs.

1 comment:

Madeline Shapland said...

While reading Luis Felipe Regaldos article, “powderitas” he explains how Palchol, meaning powdered alcohol, is the new thing. This just sounds like a BAD idea. Aren't there enough drunk driving accidents? I also have to think about the fact that you don’t know when to stop, so you will most likely end up in the hospital or even worse.

Regaldos acknowledges to us that Republican State Representative, Charlie Geren proposed a bill to ban this extreme substance. This House Bill 1018 was postponed to July 4th when there were people questioning it. I, on the other hand, don’t know why people would be questioning it because it is straight up stupid. I mean if you’re going to legalize powdered alchohol, wouldn't you want to legalize a safer, more fun drug instead like marijuana? Regaldo stated, “they say it will be easier for those who are not 21 to consume such evil substance.” Although Regaldo thinks those “accusations are totally wrong,” I have to completely disagree. Any underage teenager could relate to this because it would be way easier to hide a powdered substance in your car then a bottle that cops can easily find.
Regaldo gives multiple reasons as to why powered alchohol should be legal. “I don’t think that any teenager would rather buy one drink for the price of four just to avoid any back injuries from carrying a bottle of vodka on their backs.” Looking at this view from a completely different direction, I think that most teenagers are stupid when it comes to trying a new substance and powered alcohol sounds like a whole lot of fun when you are not thinking about the outcomes. Regaldo also states that we should be more worried about fake Id’s. It will probably be a very long time before there will be an end to fake Id’s, yet we can do our best to control this extreme product and ban it.